FujiFilm Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x0000 Version undef  
0x0010 InternalSerialNumber string (this number is unique, and contains the date of manufacture, but doesn't necessarily correspond to the camera body number -- this needs to be checked)
0x1000 Quality string  
0x1001 Sharpness int16u 1 = Soft
2 = Soft2
3 = Normal
4 = Hard
5 = Hard2
0x1002 WhiteBalance int16u 0x0 = Auto
0x100 = Daylight
0x200 = Cloudy
0x300 = Daylight Fluorescent
0x301 = Day White Fluorescent
0x302 = White Fluorescent
0x400 = Incandescent
0x500 = Flash
0xf00 = Custom
0xff0 = Kelvin
0x1003 Saturation int16u 0x0 = Normal
0x100 = High
0x200 = Low
0x300 = None (B&W)
0x1004 Contrast int16u 0x0 = Normal
0x100 = High
0x200 = Low
0x1005 ColorTemperature int16u  
0x1010 FujiFlashMode int16u 0 = Auto
1 = On
2 = Off
3 = Red-eye reduction
0x1011 FlashStrength rational64s  
0x1020 Macro int16u 0 = Off
1 = On
0x1021 FocusMode int16u 0 = Auto
1 = Manual
0x1023 FocusPixel int16u[2]  
0x1030 SlowSync int16u 0 = Off
1 = On
0x1031 PictureMode int16u 0x0 = Auto
0x1 = Portrait
0x2 = Landscape
0x4 = Sports
0x5 = Night Scene
0x6 = Program AE
0x7 = Natural Light
0x8 = Anti-blur
0xa = Sunset
0xb = Museum
0xc = Party
0xd = Flower
0xe = Text
0xf = Natural Light & Flash
0x10 = Beach
0x11 = Snow
0x12 = Fireworks
0x13 = Underwater
0x100 = Aperture-priority AE
0x200 = Shutter speed priority AE
0x300 = Manual
0x1100 AutoBracketing int16u 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = No flash & flash
0x1101 SequenceNumber int16u  
0x1210 ColorMode int16u 0x0 = Standard
0x10 = Chrome
0x30 = B & W
0x1300 BlurWarning int16u 0 = None
1 = Blur Warning
0x1301 FocusWarning int16u 0 = Good
1 = Out of focus
0x1302 ExposureWarning int16u 0 = Good
1 = Bad exposure
0x1400 DynamicRange int16u 1 = Standard
3 = Wide
0x1401 FilmMode int16u 0x0 = F0/Standard
0x100 = F1/Studio Portrait
0x200 = F2/Fujichrome
0x300 = F3/Studio Portrait Ex
0x400 = F4/Velvia
0x1402 DynamicRangeSetting int16u 0x0 = Auto (100-400%)
0x1 = RAW
0x100 = Standard (100%)
0x200 = Wide1 (230%)
0x201 = Wide2 (400%)
0x8000 = Film Simulation Mode
0x1403 DevelopmentDynamicRange int16u  
0x1404 MinFocalLength rational64s  
0x1405 MaxFocalLength rational64s  
0x1406 MaxApertureAtMinFocal rational64s  
0x1407 MaxApertureAtMaxFocal rational64s  
0x8000 FileSource string  
0x8002 OrderNumber int32u  
0x8003 FrameNumber int16u  

FujiFilm RAF Tags

FujiFilm RAF images contain meta information stored in a proprietary FujiFilm RAF format, as well as EXIF information stored inside an embedded JPEG preview image. The table below lists tags currently decoded from the RAF-format information.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
0x0100 RawImageFullSize N (including borders)
0x0121 RawImageSize N  
0x0130 FujiLayout N  
0x2ff0 WB_GRGBLevels N  

(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Nov 14, 2007

<-- ExifTool Tag Names